C&C proxy

GPT-3.5 Turbo: no wait / GPT-4: no wait / GPT-4 Turbo: no wait / AWS Claude (Sonnet): no wait / AWS Claude (Opus): no wait

Server Greeting

All old user tokens that were used at least once work. If your user token doesn't work, please email me (the email is on the rentry), I'll restore it if you're the legitimate owner.

For updates on key counts and statistics see my rentry. Email me if the proxy has 0 keys, I don't keep track of it.

C&C means Command & Conquer, not something else.
Peace through Power!

Service Info

  "uptime": 541983,
  "endpoints": {
    "openai": "https://proxy.cnc-club.dev/proxy/openai",
    "openai2": "https://proxy.cnc-club.dev/proxy/openai/turbo-instruct",
    "aws": "https://proxy.cnc-club.dev/proxy/aws/claude"
  "proompts": 24195,
  "tookens": "209.45m",
  "proomptersNow": 1,
  "openaiKeys": 16,
  "openaiOrgs": 16,
  "awsKeys": 1,
  "turbo": {
    "usage": "40.3k tokens",
    "activeKeys": 1,
    "revokedKeys": 3,
    "overQuotaKeys": 12,
    "trialKeys": 0,
    "proomptersInQueue": 0,
    "estimatedQueueTime": "no wait"
  "gpt4-turbo": {
    "usage": "14.23m tokens",
    "activeKeys": 1,
    "overQuotaKeys": 7,
    "proomptersInQueue": 0,
    "estimatedQueueTime": "no wait"
  "gpt4": {
    "usage": "3.60m tokens",
    "activeKeys": 1,
    "overQuotaKeys": 7,
    "proomptersInQueue": 0,
    "estimatedQueueTime": "no wait"
  "aws-claude": {
    "usage": "19.12m tokens",
    "activeKeys": 1,
    "revokedKeys": 0,
    "sonnetKeys": 1,
    "haikuKeys": 1,
    "proomptersInQueue": 0,
    "estimatedQueueTime": "no wait"
  "aws-claude-opus": {
    "usage": "172.46m tokens",
    "activeKeys": 1,
    "revokedKeys": 0,
    "proomptersInQueue": 0,
    "estimatedQueueTime": "no wait"
  "config": {
    "gatekeeper": "user_token",
    "maxIpsAutoBan": "true",
    "textModelRateLimit": "5",
    "imageModelRateLimit": "4",
    "maxContextTokensOpenAI": "65536",
    "maxContextTokensAnthropic": "0",
    "maxOutputTokensOpenAI": "1280",
    "maxOutputTokensAnthropic": "1800",
    "allowAwsLogging": "false",
    "promptLogging": "false",
    "tokenQuota": {
      "turbo": "16777216",
      "gpt4": "819200",
      "gpt4-32k": "0",
      "gpt4-turbo": "4259840",
      "dall-e": "0",
      "claude": "16777216",
      "claude-opus": "16777216",
      "gemini-pro": "0",
      "mistral-tiny": "0",
      "mistral-small": "0",
      "mistral-medium": "0",
      "mistral-large": "0",
      "aws-claude": "16777216",
      "aws-claude-opus": "16777216",
      "azure-turbo": "0",
      "azure-gpt4": "0",
      "azure-gpt4-32k": "0",
      "azure-gpt4-turbo": "0",
      "azure-dall-e": "0"
    "quotaRefreshPeriod": "daily",
    "allowOpenAIToolUsage": "false",
    "allowImagePrompts": "false"
  "build": "6dabc82 (main@khanon/oai-reverse-proxy)"